At Willow Tree, we teach Maths using a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach. This approach to teaching Maths means that instead of learning mathematical procedures by rote, pupils develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. This will enable them to make connections apply their learning in different situations.
We develop maths skills through: visible modelling, questioning, teaching in small steps and opportunities for reasoning and problem solving. The small steps are taught through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to build children's understanding of the relationship between numbers and the real world. Modelling is a key part of our maths lessons where we teach mathematical vocabulary and reasoning language to enable children to become creative thinkers and to choose strategies to solve mathematical problems.
Our key aims are:
To enable each pupil to develop within their capabilities, not only the mathematical skills and understanding required for later life, but also an enthusiasm and fascination about maths itself, and have a positive approach to the subject.
- To develop confidence in maths calculations, the use of logical thinking and use of mathematical language.
- To develop a range of mental and written strategies which can be used with speed and accuracy and see the links that can be made through different areas of mathematics
Mastering Number and Tables Fluency
In KS1 and Reception, pupils are also taught a short Maths session each day based on the NCETM’s Mastering Number programme. In KS2, pupils are taught a session each day aimed at ensuring all children achieve fluency in essential multiplication and division facts and concepts.
Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars
In addition to daily Maths lessons, pupils develop automaticity through online platforms. These include Numbots for Reception and KS1 and Times Tables Rock Stars for year 2 upwards. Success on these platforms is celebrated each week in Celebration Assembly and trophies are awarded to the winners to keep on their desks for the week!