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The PTFA (that's the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) brings staff and families together with a common goal: to make our children’s time at primary school as rewarding as possible, to run fun and exciting events and to raise money for the school to buy things that normally we would not be able to afford.

We are passionate about our school and helping the children to be the best they can be. Over the years we have raised money to help the school in different ways –we have supported the repair of our swimming pool, provided water bottles and pump bags for new starters, funded Year 6 leaver celebrations, bought playground equipment –the list goes on. In 2019 we started raising money to provide all our classrooms with Clever Touch Smart TVs. 

If you have a child at Willow Tree we’d love for you to get involved in any way you can. Our committee of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Trustees is elected each year at the AGM. We run meetings throughout the year, on an evening, to share planning ideas. All parents, carers, friends and staff are welcome. All ideas for fundraising events are encouraged –we love to try something new. Please don’t be shy, we would love to see you there.

One of the most valuable contributions you can offer is your time; helping to run a stall, giving us your expertise or ideas at one of our friendly meetings/via email. Sponsoring your child or providing a donation of a cake, a bottle or gift for the raffle all helps massively. We couldn’t run our events without the support of volunteers, to help set up, run stalls at fairs, decorate rooms, serve refreshments or tidy up.


Follow the Willow Tree PTFA on Facebook to stay  up-to-date!