At Willow Tree Community Primary School, we aim for all children to become passionate and confident geographers. They will build their knowledge of the world around them from the Early Years. As a school, we will ensure continuity in our approach to teaching Geography.
The curriculum is progressive in terms of subject knowledge, application of skills and the development of children’s attitudes and values. Children are provided with frequent opportunities to revisit and embed their knowledge and understanding of important geographical vocabulary.
We want our children to develop and extend their geographical knowledge and skills during their time in school, to ensure that they have a secure understanding of the world. We provide rich opportunities for children to undertake fieldwork and to make connections across different subjects within the curriculum. The curriculum is carefully sequenced and there are planned units to encourage children to investigate and develop their understanding of different cultures and the diversity within their local and global communities.
Our mission is to broaden children’s horizons and to prepare them children to understand what is needed to create a sustainable world for now and in their future. We want all children to be able to thrive, aspire and succeed in Geography.
Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children to flourish and to understand the world around them. The Early Years Foundation Stage framework and the National Curriculum inform our schools curriculum design and planning.
The important skills and knowledge that children need to know are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Existing knowledge is checked in every lesson and at the start of each new unit of learning. This ensures that teaching is informed by the children's starting points and takes account of pupil voice. Lesson content and tasks are designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners. When necessary, teachers adapt learning to make sure that all pupils are included and can access the curriculum.
It is important that children develop the skills of a geographer by fully immersing them in all areas of the subject. The local area is fully utilised to achieve desired outcomes, with opportunities for learning outside the classroom.
School trips and fieldwork are provided to give first-hand experiences, which enhance children's understanding of the world beyond their locality. Maps are displayed throughout the school and teachers are encouraged to reference these when appropriate during all lessons to help to develop an awareness of the globe.